I’ve Been Added to Priscilla Palmer's Personal Development Blog List
A few days ago I had the pleasure of being chosen to be listed on a wonderful and helpful personal development blog list. The list creator, Priscilla Palmer, told me that she likes my blog, and that I’d be included on her list. I thank Priscilla very much for this honor, and I will continue to post personal development and self-improvement information. Priscilla herself has an inspiring personal development blog that you all should visit and bookmark: priscillapalmer.com. Personal development is one of the most important issues in our lives, and we should take every opportunity to increase happiness in our daily lives. Focusing on the way we deal with ourselves and our surroundings can go a long way to making life more interesting and enjoyable.
On this blog are many self-help posts, make an effort to read and use the valuable info contained in them. I’m sure you will find the information very helpful and enriching. Personal development isn’t as easy as many would have you believe, but the benefits to your life that can result from it can be tremendous. Read these posts: How Halloween Can Help You Face Your Fears And Have a Happier Life , How To Have More Love, The SECRET To Life: Real Personal Development and Self-Improvement, DO THIS AND YOU WILL HAVE A BETTER LIFE!, 4 Ways To Create A Positive Life, How To Live Without Negative Thoughts.priscilla palmer
personal development
You deserve to be on the list. Keep up the good work. Also: Thanks for mentioning the list here, for the wonderful compliments, and for linking back to me. :)
Priscilla's list is probably the best single source of links to personal development content that exists on the web today, and I'm glad to see that she is still expanding it.
Welcome to the group! :)
Priscilla, please forgive me for responding so slowly to your comments - I've been so busy. I hope this is the beginning of a nice friendship. We both think mankind can do much better than it is. We wish to help it evolve - a cheer for us. Your list is a big push in that direction, I'm glad I could help.
aaron, your blog is so full, full of positive energy, I felt it within minutes of reading one of the posts. So nice to connect with people serious about human development. And thanks for congratulating me on getting on Priscilla's list - she's doing a real service, indeed.
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