Damon Weaver, Oprah, Biden, Obama And The Inauguration
Damon Weaver, the ten year old, Canal Point Elementary reporter who gained notoriety by getting to interview Senator Joe Biden during an Obama rally in Palm Beach, Florida, here where I live, is at it again. But this time he went on the road....he went to President Obama's Inauguration in Washington, DC.
That interview with Senator Biden was only one of the interview sessions he has accomplished, this mighty tot has now interviewed a quite impressive list of notables. He was able to aquire through donors about $8,000 to make his way to the Inauguration, where he planned or hoped to get an interview with then President-Elect Barack Obama. He did get to the Inauguration but sadly, he didn’t accomplish his goal: an interview with our new President Barack Obama but he has been able to get interviews with the likes of Spike Lee, Samuel Jackson, and even Oprah.

It certainly looks like this pint-sized Barabra Walters is on his way to fortune and fame. I wish him all the best and remember he is from my area, Palm Beach, Florida. He got to make it big(he..hhe..hee..). Damon Weaver, little man, thanks for your courage and positive example, you really made everyone of us Floridians proud. Thank you, Damon Weaver.