Test Your Brain With These Optical Illusions
In the world of science we find many unbelievable things. The science called psychology has discovered that our minds can perceive objects in error. We take our optical apparatus for granted; we never analyse the processes by which we see things. Psychologist discovered flaws in our visual area when we view certain designs and shapes. The brain was found to add nonexisting objects to that being observed, thereby providing delusional data. Below, I have provided some images that will startle you; cause you to reexamine the trust we have placed in on our optical facilities. These figures will awaken curiousity about man’s way of seeing his environment. Our brain processes information in quite astonishing ways. The optic nerve, with its synaspes and neurons, relays light impulses to our brain in the most complex and mysterious of manners. In this operation the brain can be fooled and present us with what is termed an “optical illusion” - carefully observe and enjoy these items:
1. In viewing this figure you will see an optical illusion - a white triangle that does not truly exist:
2. Here your brain sees three totally different images, instead of one - a vase and two opposing faces:
3. Look closely at the lines of this image, you eyes will immediately present you with an almost 3D effect:
4. This figure seems to change its shape:
Optical illusions are so much fun and one can get lost in them for hours, but they also present us with the sobering question: “ Can we trust our eyes and mind at all times?”. Considering the above information, the answer has to be “No”. Before reading this article you thought your brain and mind were always to be trusted, now you know that is a fallacy. Science may eventually understand the effects these figures provoke in our consciousness, but for now, these reactions remain a mystery. You like everyone else who has ever viewed these images for the first time, were astonished. You were left totally puzzled and perplexed, even annoyed that such things exist. Our mental makeup has made no room for such hallucinations. Our minds simply reject what cannot be understood. These designs are useful in that they cause us to be more alert and attentive in our everyday lives, and that can only be to our benefit.
All of these images produce results we could in no way have anticipated, and by having experienced them, we are left with a newfound knowledge pertaining of our mental and visual machinisms. The fields of science and psychology are engaged in constant research in an effort to answer the perceptive riddles presented by these images. Let these qualified and astute individuals find the causes of these so interesting figures. Maybe one day they will discover the causes behind these optical illusions, until that time arrives, we can just continue to be intrigued and astonished by this type of imagery.
These images always shock my mind, no matter how many times I view them. Did you find the images interesting?
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Si, probablemente lo sea
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