My Goodness...Headbanging And Tragedy At The 2009 Tony Awards
I enjoyed the Tony Awards...that opening number was out of this world, that was one magnificent production. The host was down-to-earth and cool, I felt him but I’m afraid Elton John didn’t appreciate his Billy Elliot “scratch-n-sniff” joke. Well...still I loved most of the show...gotta watch again, I tell ya...maybe in 2020....ha...ha....just kidding. Billy Elliot did well, huh? It brought home 10 Tony Awards. WOW!!!

But come on folks...what happened, who was out to get the guy from Poison during the “Rock Of Ages” set - Bret Micheals? I almost fell out(yes, again), when I found out that he went through this. Why did this have to occur - we dealing with professional technicians, right! CRAZY!!! But as they say, “the show must go on”....and they never told us about the incident during the Tony Awards telecast. See, we entertainers have a hard job, too...we can get injured on the job, too. But, I’m thinking somebody on the Tony Awards didn’t quite love Mr. Bret Micheals - that he wanted to hurt Poison’s lead singer. There are many “player haters” in the music industry and show business. How could such an obviously avoidable mishap occur...just hold the prop up til Bret Micheals clears it. HUH?!!!

Well, Bret made it - but the Tony Awards must be more careful when it comes to checking out their stagehands.... Please!!! Bret, get well, man...don’t worry, you will be back rockin’ the house in no time at all.

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